Suit alleges nursing home patient died after being dropped, suffering knee injury

The family of a deceased nursing home patient claims she fell and suffered a knee injury, which allegedly contributed to her death.

Venessa Nasello as Special Representative of the Estate of Shirley J. Gage, deceased, filed a complaint on Nov. 20 in the Madison County Circuit Court against Alton NH LLC, doing business as River Crossing of Alton, alleging negligence and other claims.

According to Nasello’s complaint, her mother Shirley Gage was a resident of River Crossing from March 18, 2020, thorough Feb. 9, 2021. She claims her mother, who was assessed by the facility as a significant fall risk, was dropped by facility staff onto the floor of her room in January 2021 and suffered an injury to her knee, which allegedly contributed to her death.

Nasello alleges River Crossing failed to keep her mother free from harm or injury and did not adequately document her care and treatment. She also alleges River Crossing violated regulations and failed to adequately train its staff or have safety measures in place to prevent falls.

Nasello seeks monetary relief, interest and all other just relief.

This article was first published in Madison Record.

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